Five Traits of Successful Real Estate Agents

A good real estate agent should be able to conduct and align a different set of people together to make a successful agreement. A good real estate agent is also a buyer’s advocate, business manager, analyst, negotiator, and so on. Being a successful real estate agent is not just about buying and selling, it’s about keeping an eye on the local real estate of the region and staying updated with the market prices. So to keep up with all these titles a real estate agent should have certain good traits and qualities that make him stand out. With the current technologies and the trends, the property buyers are much more informed and trained with the market, and therefore to handle them a real estate agent should definitely be a professional.
With the real estate business being as it is today a good agent should always aspire to gain the trust of the buyers for a clean business to take place. Gaining that trust is not easy. It requires a lot of good character traits and business knowledge. In this article, we’ll discuss the characteristics or traits a real estate agent should have for a trustworthy business deal.
Honesty And Integrity
Anyone who is willing to make a huge investment such as buying a property will always look for someone who is trustworthy and honest with the dealings. Real estate agents are the ones who are approached when a buyer or a seller has any doubts about the property and its background. So gaining that trust really helps succeed. Moreover, being disloyal to the buyers/sellers will not only create troubles for them but will also tarnish your name in the industry. When it comes to the real estate business your reputation comes first so, therefore, make sure you have a clean and honest reputation.
Not everyone is the same and it is quite obvious that some sellers/buyers may not like what you impose. Having a calm mindset and being very level-headed at times like that really makes it top the list. Thriving under pressure may seem really difficult but a good real estate agent should naturally have this quality. Nick Oliver, from NYC’s HomeDax Real Estate, says that “The greatest challenge and opportunity in being an agent is navigating the wide variety of personalities in the marketplace. The emotional element of real estate magnifies personalities and can bring out the very best or worst in buyers, sellers, and fellow agents.” If your emotions get in the way of your profession then it is really hard to have a good name in this industry and also drag down your reputation.
Staying Humble
A successful real estate business requires a lot of effort and details. Being humble is one among them. People will be more attracted to you as an agent if you have a good humble personality. A successful humble realtor is much more liked than a successful arrogant one. Having confidence in your abilities and if you are interested in helping others then immediately your reputation is spoken highly of. Real estate agents should believe in their abilities and stay humble about it because bragging about your influence or your abilities is usually frowned upon everywhere.
Building Connections
Just like any other industry, the real estate industry does require a lot of connections. Real estate agents must make sure they have a good list of connections within the market. This includes the contacts of potential buyers, sellers, home inspectors, and so on. This way you will seem influential and your name will become popular very soon. 43% of the buyers search online before approaching an agent and therefore it is highly crucial to have a great influence among the people in the industry.
Being an introvert and being a real estate agent don’t exactly go hand in hand. This is a kind of business that requires a lot of communication skills and if you don’t have that then it will be really hard for you to gain any potential buyers/ sellers. You should never be hesitant to take a call or to talk to a client.
The real estate business is struggling on all sides. Shifting political climates, volatile markets, rising mortgage rates, and evolving technology trends are just some of the challenges real estate agents are facing everywhere. The biggest problem a real estate agent faces is the finances. Around 11% of the buyers struggle with the down payment. In every other industry, you are most likely paid every month or so but when it comes to this particular industry you are only paid when you actually help a client. Doing that is the most difficult job of all and for that, you require a lot of patience.
Real estate agents also don’t work a 9-5 job. They have to work off-time too. Having a good personality when you are not given any rest can be extremely challenging as well. Therefore work on your skills and character traits and hopefully become a successful real estate agent.